Jennifer King Blackledge, PhD., Licensed Psychologist


It's All About Relationships

Important Information:

With upcoming changes in my practice due to my current pregnancy, I am not accepting new clients. If you are a past or current client, feel free to contact me to discuss such changes. I will only be offering therapy to past and current clients as appropriate until about 2 weeks after Thanksgiving.

Also, I will not be resuming therapy after that time. I will be transitioning my professional work to speaking, writing, and classes/workshops. This was a difficult decision as providing therapy has been my primary way of offering people healing and well-being; however, given the new season of my life, I realized it's time for this transition.

I will gladly provide referrals for counseling to past and current clients before or after my maternity leave. A colleague will be available as indicated on my voicemail to provide such information or answer questions while I am on maternity leave.

I have thoroughly enjoyed providing counseling for over 10 years. It's truly been an honor to be trusted with the most private parts of people's lives and to be invited to walk along side them through the process of healing and growth. I hope my new professional adventure will further support people in living meaningful, healthy, empowering lives. If interested, please check back on this website from time to time to see what's happening. Take great care!

Relationships are hard sometimes. Who knew you could feel so disappointed by another person?

The love you desire seems pretty impossible at the moment. You had dreams for what your relationship would be like but instead feel lonely, overwhelmed and frustrated. No matter what you do, it seems like it is never enough.

It's Not Fair!

Then there are those dreaded conversations full of conflict but no resolution, even when you bulldoze your way into fixing it. When that doesn't work, you hide, avoiding problems just for a little protection from more pain. Stress festers and disconnect grows.

Can you hear the echo from the Grand Canyon? Yeah, that's the gap between the two of you.

None of this is matching up with what you thought it would be like. What you were taught was healthy - this isn't it. You just want to feel connected and to know you are important, appreciated and valued.

What would it be like if you could say you aren't happy in a way that you knew you would be heard because your relationship is a safe place to land, every time.

You just want to know how to repair things when mistakes happen and then return to intimacy. Deep down, you long for this to get better and for your relationship to be the shelter from the stress of life, not the cause.


I help couples and individuals create better communication and confidence. My clients feel hopeful and empowered to discover themselves and improve their relationships. I offer a calm place for healing, learning and growing.

If you are in a mental health emergency, you may call 9-1-1, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255), or go to the emergency room.